Body, Story, Write – Saturday with Robin Gadient


Our bodies are like an orchestra, constantly tuning for each day we are alive. When we listen deeply to our body, we are honoring and listening to the body’s language. Our bodies speak to us; they hold our stories, our secrets, and our memories. Every story you want to write is already alive in your cells. And the body wants you to tell your stories, which are entwined in your hips, your knees, your teeth and your sternum. Your stories live in your heart and your lungs.


Writing through the body and about the body puts us in touch with something bigger than language – our own mortality. When we face that, our creativity becomes a rushing river.


Author Snowden says “this is a time to say yes to the grammar of the gut.”


In this 6-week course, I am inviting writers to tap into their body to create their deepest stories, while also learning literary and poetic techniques. Your body is a personal navigation system, an antique map, a GPS to the stories that want to find their way into your books,  essays or blogs.


We will explore utilizing questions, odes, metaphor, dialogue and place by exploring technique a series of pre-writing exercises, while creating content in small writing segments – content that can be used in our books, essays and blogs.


Join eight to ten writers in a 6-weekly weekly class that meets every Saturday morning with popular writing teacher Robin Gadient

Time: 10:30 a.m. PST / 1:30 p.m. EST 

Class is 2 1/2 hours long

NOTE: Makeup Audit classes are available on alternate days.

Dates:  June 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, July 3rd, July 10th 

A week prior to start of the class this is non refundable fee, but may be used for a future series.


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