THE SOUL JOURNEY: Reimagining your Life Story – First 6-week Monday Series with Laura Lentz


Soul Journey is an upgrade of the Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell, Christopher Vogler and Carl Jung and my STORYquest, the Writer, the Hero, the Journey workbook. In this twelve week series, writers have the opportunity to look at twelve essential elements to a story.  For anyone working on a memoir, a collection of essays or poetry, this class will assist you in producing material to take to another level.
Option to purchase first six-weeks and decide on second six-week series at a later date.  This series is Monday online with Laura Lentz. Each 6-week series is $247.00
Time: 4 p.m.. PST / 7 p.m.. EST (2 1/2 hours)
First six-week session: Jan. 30, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27, March

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